Look at the irony: while one report talks about ending commuters' woes by reducing travel time on the 15 km-long Palam-Gurgaon stretch, another gory tale of a car catching fire grabs your eyeballs early in the morning...
It can't get worse than this.
Think about it. And shudder. A car-full of your favourite people on a chilly winter morning singing happy songs and snacking on homemade sandwiches suddenly realising a spark somewhere in the rear of the vehicle. Within seconds, the car turns into a fireball killing all on the spot.
Most recently, a 40-year-old businessman rushing home to his family from work is charred to death after his car catches fire.
Or the three musketeers who escaped near death after their car caught fire after an accident on the Noida-Delhi eway on December 17, 2006. Not for the Indica driver on the Mumbai-Pune eway, who died of burns after he was trapped in the car which caught fire on December 29, near Urse toll junction...
Right from failing of the central locking system to zipping on empty roads to not getting serviced on time to faulty frills, causes galore. The fact, however, remains: people are dying all the time and we don't seem to be able to pinpoint the culprit.
Police say the businessman's car was fitted with central locking system which failed, leaving no escape route. So are my cars!
In the Pune incident, cops say the fire could be due to over speeding resulting in friction. But then what are eways for, if not speeding?
Why don't the car companies do something about it? Instead of just introducing fancy hotrods and making millions, why don't they try to make travelling safer? And by safe, we don't mean airbags!
Guess, it'll take someone at the top to die and force the car firms and powers to be to get into action. Till then, you and I are lucky...we are still driving.
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