Monday, April 16, 2007


This is funny. A couple of days ago I happily posted a list of songs you could listen to while driving, and lo! There's another list carried in the papers that talks about songs to avoid....

Want to stay safe on the roads? Then avoid listening to Guns N Roses, Meat Loaf and Bruce Springsteen behind the wheel.
The trio are among the artists featured on a top 10 of tracks that get people's blood pumping and in the mood to drive aggressively.
Erase "Bat out of Hell", you say! Preposterous! I would do anything for safety, but I won't do that. Oh No. I said I won't do that.
And since two out of three aint bad, are there other songs/artists you could avoid instead? Luckily, there are!
t includes classic rock tracks, such as Meat Loaf's "Bat Out Of Hell" and Springsteen's "Born to Run," as well as tracks such as Motorhead's "Ace of Spades" and Guns N Roses' "Paradise City."
More modern tracks, including The Killers' "When we were Young" and Feeder's "Buck Rogers" also featured, as did -- perhaps fittingly -- "You Will Be Under My Wheels" by dance act the Prodigy.
So what's the solution, forced piping of Barry Manilow into every car to make them slow down?

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